Atkinson Rowan Sebastian (Mr Bean) : one of the Kings of Humour

Wednesday, November 23, 2011 0 commentaires

Atkinson Rowan Sebastian (1955) publicly known as Mr Bean, is a comedian and actor with exceptional mime skills.

Very few people know he studied engineering at Newcastle University, and took a higher degree at Oxford University.

Vocabulary related with : The Gifts of Youth

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Gift (n) : موهبة - Gifted (adj).
Vitality (n) : حيوية - Vital (adj) - Vitally (adv).
Passion (n) : شغف - حب - Passionate (adj) - Passionately (adv).
Vigour - Vigor (n) : حماسة - Vigorous (adj) - Vigorously (adv).
Adventure (n) : مغامرة - Adventurous (adj).
Audacity (n) : جرأة - Audacious (adj) - Audaciously (adv).
Imagination (n) : خيال - Imaginative - Imaginary (adj) - Imaginatively (adv).
Creativity (n) : إبداع - Creative (adj) - Creatively (adv).
Innovation (n) : إبتكار - Innovative (adj) - Innovatively (adv) - Innovate (v).
Talent (n) : موهبة - Talented (adj).
Ambition (n) : طموح - Ambitious (adj) - Ambitiously (adv).
Enthusiasm (n) : حماس - Enthusiastic (adj) - Enthusiastically (adv).
Abstraction (n) : غموض - Abstract (adj) - Abstractly (adv).
Skill (n) : مهارة - Skilled (adj) - Skillfully (adv).
Challenge (n) : تحد - Challenge (v).
Motivation (n) : حافز - Motivated (adj) - Motivate (v).
Rebellion (n) : عصيان - Rebellious (adj).
Intolerance (n) : تعصب - Intolerant (adj).
Thought (n) : تفكير - Thoughtless =/= Thoughtful (adj) - Thoughtlessly =/= Thoughtfully (adv).
Severity (n) : خطورة - صرامة - Severe (adj) - Severely (adv).
Bossiness (n) : تسلط - Bossy (adj). 
Carelessness (n) : لا مبالاة - Careless =/= Careful (adj) - Carelessly =/= Carefully (adv).
Immaturity (n) : قلة الخبرة - Immature (adj).
Untidiness (n) : غير مرتب - Untidy (adj).
Disobedience (n) : عصيان - Disobedient (adj).
Democracy (n) : ديمقراطية - Democratic (adj) - Democratically (adv).
Obstinacy (n) : عناد - Obstinate (adj) - Obstinately (adv).
Authority (n) : سلطة - Authoritarian (adj).
Ability (n) : قدرة - كفاءة.
Willingness (n) : استعداد - رغبة.
Old-fashioned (adj) : قديم (قديم الطراز).
Nosy (adj) : فضولي.
Intense (adj) : شديد - حاد.
Desire (n) : رغبة.
Strength (n) : قوة.
Aptitude (n) : استعداد - كفاءة.
Eclectic (adj) : انتقائي.

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