Atkinson Rowan Sebastian (Mr Bean) : one of the Kings of Humour

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Atkinson Rowan Sebastian (1955) publicly known as Mr Bean, is a comedian and actor with exceptional mime skills.

Very few people know he studied engineering at Newcastle University, and took a higher degree at Oxford University.

With his mobile body and facial grimaces, Atkinson was able to extract humour from the simplest situations. He leapt to national fame when he appeared in Not the Nine O’clock News (1979-1982) on BBC2. But, he gained world-wide fame through his funny one-man shows which are still broadcast on TV channels throughout the globe. 

Keywords : 

humour : فكاهة. 
mime : the use of gestures and expressions only to tell a story or convey feelings = استخدام الحركات والتعابير فقط لحكي قصة أو التعبير عن المشاعر. 
skills : the ability to do something well = القدرة على القيام بشيء بشكل جيد (مهارة). 
mobile body : جسد متحرك. 
grimaces : a twisted facial expression, showing disgust, pain or amusement = لي (تشويه) الوجه للتعبير إما عن الاشمئزاز أو الألم أو الترفيه. 
extract : اقتباس. 
leapt (to leap) : jump suddenly or a long way = قفز (انتقل) بسرعة أو ببطء. 
fame : شهرة. 
appeared (to appear) : ظهر. 
gained (to gain) : حصل - اكتسب. 
through : من خلال. 
one-man shows : أفلامه (معارضه) الفردية. 
still broadcast : ما زالت تُعرض. 
throughout : في كل مكان.


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